AHHAH Offers a variety of opportunities to support our restorative justice programming!
Restorative Justice programs are community supported. They are funded by donations from organizations and individuals like you! Please consider making a donation today to help us uplift and support programs for the youth in the Chester County incarceration system.
Become a sponsor
AHHAH offers FIVE TIERS of opportunities for individuals and organizations to sponsor and support our Restorative Justice programs and initiatives.
Transformation Sponsor - $2,500+
You are supporting our "Film Making 101," classes, which are a 10-week program for youth on probation or "StepUp, Step Out, Make a Difference in your Life-Harriet Tubman Way," after-school program for girls.
Impact Sponsor - $1,000
Your donation supports 4 weeks of trauma-informed, mindfulness and expressive arts workshops for survivors of abuse and trafficking.
Inspiration sponsor - $500
Your donation provides support for AHHAH's "Self-Care, Well Being, Resillience," workshop for teachers and organizations working with youth impacted by trauma.
Connector Sponsor - $150
You will be providing 15 copies of Justice Restored 3.0 for youth at the Chester County Youth Center (CCYC).
Friend - $30
Be a friend, and supply a journal, yoga mat, and art supplies for 1 student within our Restorative Justice programs.